
  1. “Support for the Islam of Muhammad”? Yikes! Apparently, this tool knows nothing about about ProMo’s barbaric behavior that is the basis for the behavior of the “good” Muslims in ISIS, the Taliban, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Shabab, etc.

  2. The Rev. Moore’s misunderstanding concerning what he says is ‘ancient’ Islam can be summed up in the term ‘AL WALAA WAL BARAA’. That is Islam’s ‘essential’ teaching of APARTHEID that all Muslims must believe and practice … or they will perish eternally in Islamic hell.

    All of the ‘nice’ sentiments Rev. Moore listed do not apply to the kafir and dhimmis do not get first-class treatment under Sharia law either.

    The Rev. Moore refers to a ‘harsh code of conduct’ that he assumes is whimsical and arbitrary. Nothing could be further from the truth! Sharia law is highly codified and obligatory upon all Muslims.

    The Rev. Moore has not learned enough about Islam to recognize that Sharia law is NOT OPTIONAL for Muslims, though in many countries, Sharia law is implemented in a very haphazard and arbitrary manner, which is to say most Islamic countries are EXTREMELY LAX in the application of Sharia law.

    MOST of Sharia law is never implemented (e.g. the requirement for the country to conduct jihad twice a year, jizzya tax, slavery, etc.)

    The fact that Sharia law is implemented as much as it is in Iran is a source of PRIDE to many pious Muslims, rather than an object of shame, as the naïve Rev. Moore imagines, supposes, opines, surmises and speculates.

    What the mullahocracy can be found in the MANUALS OF SHARIA LAW, Rev. Moore.

    Look it up.

  3. correction: What the mullahocracy IS IMPLEMENTING can be found in the MANUALS OF SHARIA LAW, Rev. Moore.

  4. How much are these Traitorist Scumbags receiving to sell out the West and destroy Western Culture and Humanity? They can NOT have one functioning brain cell and believe this BS. Will there ever be a 300, Influential Political and Religious Leaders to stand up for Western Civilization and confront these Satanic Herds from the East?

  5. Islam was born in a politically hijacked state. It was not a theological creed created by philosophers who thought long and deeply about the meaning of life and existence. Rather, it was created by 7th century politicians for the explicit purpose of political control and conquest in the temporal world. Islam’s goal is political–namely, Islamic rule over the whole planet, achieved through fascist wars of purification (jihad). Islam’s sense of ethics, it’s definition of right and wrong, good and bad, is political; specifically, expansion of Islamic control over populations is defined as right, good, and just, while contraction or loss of Islamic control is defined as wrong, bad, and unjust. So politics did not “hijack Islam.” On the contrary, politics is the very essence of Islam. Islam means “submission”; that is, submission to undiluted Islamic rule. And the required form of that submission is the primitive and backward political institution known as slavery.

  6. Fantasy Islam at Its Finest! Wasn’t there a TV show called Fantasy Islam? Oh wait, that was Fantasy Island! Maybe we could have an island for a TV show where Liberals go to and have their fantasies of Islam fulfilled. It could be Fantasy islam Island

  7. he would have discovered that after partnering with the Tudeh Party (Iran’s communist organization) in order to oust the Shah, the Shi’ite mullahs under Khomeini’s leadership quickly turned against the “atheistic communist devils” once their consolidated their political power.
    A preview of how the red green axis will later fall apart.

  8. Dr S. Kirby needs to constantly update his excellent book “The Lure Of Fantasy Islam”. These dangerous fantasy peddlers keep popping up.

  9. Fantasy Islam at Its Finest!

    Good piece by Mateen Elass. Yes–Johnnie Moore is a fool.

  10. Those who “buy” into Johnnie Moore beliefs his feel good propaganda of Islam are the fools. There are two kinds of major false ideas that liberals in the west believe about Islam, one the true Islam is just like Christianity and Judaism that when practice as written is peaceful, just and tolerant of others outside the faith, the other is that Islam can be reformed .The Koran as written is the perfect book according to Islam ,Mohammed,s laws the Sharia ,and the Hadiths are the perfect conduct on how Moslems should lead their daily lives. Change is not permitted on perfection as Mohammed said ,it is perfectly violent and supremist behavior to all those outside of its faith for 1400 years .I think people in positions of power and influence in west the western liberals chiefly like Johnnie Moore cannot believe that many people in the world have been bought up from childhood to adulthood to believe they were born to be lord and master over all non-Moslem people ,that all non-Moslem people are to be slaves to them as their bylaws in the sharia tell them.

  11. Anything’s better than the Islamic regime and if this fiction undermines that let it be. Actually they need to return to the even better religions of Iran’s past like Zoroastrianism, Buddhism and any others but it has to start with the weakening of theocracy. You don’t go from a straight black to white as snow, but need many shades of grey between.

    • That won’t kid anyone and is more likely to enable this kind of deceitful bully. It’s more likely the Truth that will set you Free – and not deceptions and mind games.

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